Saturday, August 3, 2019

Magical Quark Particle Massing on Chiral Higgs Fields Animation Art Film by Peter G Pereira

Continuing Series of Animation Art Films describing Sub-Atomic Particle Massing and Generation through interactions with Higgs Bosons and Higgs Field. Created and conceived by Peter G Pereira 2012. This Animation Short Film explores the Mirror Super-Symmetry and 'Handedness' (Chirality) of Sub-Atomic Particle Massing and Generation with Higgs Bosons and the Higgs Field. There is certain Magic and Elegance to this Massing Phenomena. A New and Artful Conservation Law. Thanks: Peter Higgs(among many) and Original Piano by Paul Morin

Interview with me on Walter DeForest's Vincent Van Gogh performance NYC

Peter G Pereira Audience Interview at the #vgfy March 30 2016 performance

Peter answers questions about Van Gogh Find Yourself, Ryans Daughter and Walter DeForest Peter G Pereira http://petergpereiraartappreciations.... Camera and Interview byAndrew Lyman-Clarke


Hexagonal Fantasy